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Premier Senior Marketing has the
product to help fill your Medicare Advantage clients' gaps!
9 Great Reasons to Sell GTL's Advantage Plus Hospital Indemnity Insurance Policy:
1. FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PERIODS: to fit your clients' needs
2. GREAT BENEFIT OPTIONS: $100-$600 in $10 increments
3. COMPETITIVE COMPENSATION: Commissions Paid Weekly
4. FULL COVERAGE: Hospital "Observation" stays are treated the same way as "Inpatient" coded stays with zero reduction of benefits!
5. EASY APPLICATION: 5 Short Questions and Guarantee Issue for ages 64 ½ to 65 ½ years
6. GREAT RIDERS: including NEW Dental/Vision rider*
7. FAST: Business Issued in Minutes with e-app and iPhone/iPad app!
8. SIMPLE PAYMENTS: Cash Benefits Paid Directly to Insured
9. SHORT BENEFIT OPTION: to pay full benefits for less than 24 hour stay!
View short videos on Advantage Plus
Contact a health team today to get all the details and State availability:
Click here or call 800-365-8208

For Agent Use Only - Not Intended For Soliciting To The Public.
For questions on any of the above information or announcements, Please Contact:
Premier Companies | 705 W. Benjamin Ave. | Norfolk, Nebraska 68701 | 800-365-8208
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